This channel wouldn't be what it is without the support of viewers like you. If you would like to donate a model to be rescued please read the guidelines below. I would absolutely love to rescue every single model in the world, but unfortunately I just don't have the time! If you would like to donate something else, like bits, or kits that you won't use, I can still very much use those parts to make something awesome! Thank you all for the donations, and helping make EMR something truly special for a lot of people.
Donated models need to fit into the theme of the channel (in need of rescue, see examples on this page) either you painted or bought the model in a 'condition', as long as it could be considered a rescue project.
Model cannot be "New on Sprue"
Not all models donated are on the channel, 99% are, but sometimes, and especially in lots, I cannot get to them all.
Sending extra bits is absolutely a donation, I would love to convert something using your bits!
When donating, please include your name (to be shown on the channel)
Donated models do not get sent back after being painted. If you would like a commission please visit that page on this site.